For the professional Dive Medical Examination you must have completed the “questionaire”.
There is a difference between an inspection and a re-inspection.
The inspection is done by a Dive Medical Physician cat_B
(Until recently, a lung photo or chest x-ray was required for the inspection. This is no longer necessary, but additional imaging research can be done if indicated.)
During an inspection, preliminary blood tests are carried out. (hemoglobin level, glucose, sodium, potassium and creatinine)
We will go through this list together during the inspection.
If you have a logbook, please take it with you.
The inspection is done by a Dive Medical Physician cat_a or cat_B
The re-inspection takes place every other year
The inspection also consists of a physical examination and function test(s).
The research concerns:
- height and weight BMI, possibly fat percentage;
- blood pressure and pulse rate;
- nose, patency and position of the nasal septum;
- mouth, condition of teeth, throat;
- eyes, presence of contact lenses, pupil reactions, eye movements (part of the neurological examination;
- ears, external auditory canal, eardrum, mobility of eardrum during equalization;
- neurological examination, such as cranial nerves, reflexes, muscle strength, sensory function, balance, tuning fork tests;
- Test for 'color vision'
- heart, listening to the heart sounds; heart murmurs, cardiac arrhythmias;
- lungs, listening to the lung murmurs, murmurs;
- abdomen, examination of the abdomen;
- back, assessment of whether there are problems with load-bearing capacity, limitation of movement;
The function tests are:
- Urinalasys
- Pulmonary function test
- Making an electrocardiogram (heart trace)
- An exercise test (cycling test)
- In certain cases it may be necessary to conduct additional (specialist) research.
If you are being treated by a specialist, it is useful to take this information with you to the inspection.
Following the inspection, it will be determined whether you are suitable for diving “fit for diving”.
If you are suitable, you will receive a medical certificate and your logbook will be signed.
If you are going to train abroad after the inspection, you will receive a report of the inspection drawn up in English.